Monday 28 January 2013

Old Age Homes

One of the most unfortunate developments  of the modern age is the increasing number of elderly people in the population of the world.The development of medical science and agricultural revolution is jointly responsible for this unprecedented situation .This has given birth to another social concern looking after the aged.
In order to focus the worlds attention on this pressing issue the Ubnited  Nations has declared 1999 the international year of elderly persons. Until the recent times, the problem was not very severe in India for Indian tradition elderly people were taken care of by their children .They were seen as the keepers of family traditions.
The break up of joint family and the advent of nuclear families has brought out the issue of the elderly.Today old age homes are springing even in small towns.WE, forget our tradition and send the age old parents to old age homes and there by shake off the responsibility towards our parents.
Old age is the time when people long for love ,care and support .It is the second childhood .The blind imitation of western culture is not suited  for a country like India.It is our responsibility to look after our parents who had spent  their life for our welfare.
Old age homes may be useful for those old people who are alone in this world.But those who have children and grand children must not be sent to such homes.The government should think about forming laws which will help to prevent the age old from being sent away to old age homes by their sons and daughters. God bless you.